Expected Cumulants and Correlations for Continuous Mixture Variables

Mixture distributions describe random variables that are drawn from more than one component distribution. Mixture distributions provide a useful way for describing heterogeneity in a population, especially when an outcome is a composite response from multiple sources. For a random variable Y from a finite mixture distribution with k components, the PDF can be described by:

where $\sum_{i=1}^{k} \pi_{i} = 1$. The πi are mixing parameters which determine the weight of each component distribution fYi(y) in the overall probability distribution. As long as each component has a valid PDF, the overall distribution hY(y) has a valid PDF. The main assumption is statistical independence between the process of randomly selecting the component distribution and the distributions themselves. Assume there is a random selection process that first generates the numbers 1, ..., k with probabilities π1, ..., πk. After selecting number i, where 1 ≤ i ≤ k, a random variable y is drawn from component distribution fYi(y) (Davenport, Bezder, and Hathaway 1988; Schork, Allison, and Thiel 1996; Everitt 1996; Pearson 2011).

Continuous mixture variables are generated at the component level in SimCorrMix. The target correlation matrix rho in the simulation functions corrvar and corrvar2 is specified in terms of the correlations with components of continuous mixture variables. This allows the user to set the correlation between components of the same mixture variable to any desired value. If this correlation is set to 0, the intermediate correlation matrix Sigma may need to be converted to the nearest positive-definite matrix. This is done within the simulation functions by specifying use.nearPD = TRUE. Higham (2002)’s algorithm is executed with the Matrix::nearPD function (Bates and Maechler 2018). Otherwise, negative eigenvalues are replaced with 0.

Expected Cumulants of Continuous Mixture Variables

The components of the continuous mixture variables are created using either Fleishman (1978)’s third-order or Headrick (2002)’s fifth-order power method transformation (PMT) applied to standard normal variables. The PMT simulates continuous variables by matching standardized cumulants derived from central moments. Since some distributions may have large central moments, using standardized cumulants decreases the complexity involved in calculations. In view of this, let Y be a real-valued random variable with cumulative distribution function F. Define the central moments, μr, of Y as:

Then the first six cumulants are given by (Kendall and Stuart 1977):

The cumulants are standardized by dividing κ1 - κ6 by $\sqrt{{{\kappa}_{2}}^{r}} = ({\sigma}^{2})^{r/2} = {\sigma}^{r}$, where σ2 is the variance of Y and r is the order of the cumulant:

The values γ1 and γ2 correspond to skewness and standardized kurtosis (so that the normal distribution has a value of 0, hereafter referred to as skurtosis). The corresponding sample values for the above can be obtained by replacing μr by ${m}_{r} = \sum_{j=1}^{n}{({x}_{j}-{m}_{1})}^{r}/n$ (Headrick 2002).

The standardized cumulants for a continuous mixture variable can be derived in terms of the standardized cumulants of its component distributions. Suppose the goal is to simulate a continuous mixture variable Y with PDF hY(y) that contains two component distributions Ya and Yb with mixing parameters πa and πb:


so that Ya and Yb have expected values μa and μb and variances σa2 and σb2. Assume the variables Za and Zb are generated with zero mean and unit variance using Headrick’s fifth-order PMT given the specified values for skew (γ1a, γ1b), skurtosis (γ2a, γ2b), and standardized fifth (γ3a, γ3b) and sixth (γ4a, γ4b) cumulants:

The constants c0a, ..., c5a and c0b, ..., c5b are the solutions to the system of equations given in SimMultiCorrData::poly and calculated by SimMultiCorrData::find_constants. Similar results hold for Fleishman’s third-order PMT, where the constants c0a, ..., c3a and c0b, ..., c3b are the solutions to the system of equations given in SimMultiCorrData::fleish and c4a = c5a = c4b = c5b = 0 (Fialkowski 2018).

The rth expected value of Y can be expressed as:

This expression can be used to derive expressions for the mean, variance, skew, skurtosis, and standardized fifth and sixth cumulants of Y in terms of the rth expected values of Ya and Yb.

  1. Mean: Using r = 1 yields:

Since Ef[Za′] = Eg[Zb′] = 0, this becomes Eh[Y] = πaμa + πbμb.

  1. Variance: The variance of Y can be expressed by the relation Varh[Y] = Eh[Y2] − (Eh[Y])2. Using r = 2 yields:

Applying the variance relation to Za and Zb gives:

Since Ef[Za′] = Eg[Zb′] = 0 and Varf[Za′] = Varg[Zb′] = 1, Ef[Za2] and Eg[Zb2] both equal 1.
Therefore, Eh[Y2] simplifies to:

and the variance of Y is given by:

  1. Skew: Using Headrick (2002)’s expression, the skew of Y is given by $\gamma_{1} = \frac{{\mu}_{3}}{{\sigma}^{3}} = \frac{{\mu}_{3}}{{(\sigma^2)}^{3/2}}$, where σ2 is the variance of Y and μ3 = Eh[Y3]. Using r = 3 yields:

Then Ef[Za3] = μ3a and Eg[Zb3] = μ3b are given by:

Combining these with Ef[Za′] = Eg[Zb′] = 0 and Ef[Za2] = Eg[Zb2] = 1, Eh[Y3] simplifies to:

Therefore, the skew of Y is:

  1. Skurtosis: Using Headrick (2002)’s expression, the standardized kurtosis of Y is given by $\gamma_{2} = \frac{{\mu}_{4}}{{\sigma}^{4}} - 3 = \frac{{\mu}_{4}}{{(\sigma^2)}^2} - 3$, where σ2 is the variance of Y and μ4 = Eh[Y4]. Using r = 4 yields:

Then Ef[Za4] = μ4a and Eg[Zb4] = μ4b are given by:

Since Ef[Za′] = Eg[Zb′] = 0 and Ef[Za2] = Eg[Zb2] = 1, Eh[Y4] simplifies to:

Therefore, the skurtosis of Y is:

  1. Fifth Cumulant: Using Headrick (2002)’s expression, the standardized fifth cumulant of Y is given by $\gamma_{3} = \frac{{\mu}_{5}}{{\sigma}^{5}} - 10{\gamma}_{1} = \frac{{\mu}_{5}}{{(\sigma^2)}^{5/2}} - 10{\gamma}_{1}$, where σ2 is the variance of Y and μ5 = Eh[Y5]. Using r = 5 yields:

Then Ef[Za5] = μ5a and Eg[Zb5] = μ5b are given by:

Since Ef[Za′] = Eg[Zb′] = 0 and Ef[Za2]= Eg[Zb2] = 1, Eh[Y5] simplifies to:

Therefore, the standardized fifth cumulant of Y is:

  1. Sixth Cumulant: Using Headrick (2002)’s expression, the standardized sixth cumulant of Y is given by $\gamma_{4} = \frac{{\mu}_{6}}{{\sigma}^{6}} - 15{\gamma}_{2} - 10{{\gamma}_{1}}^{2} - 15 = \frac{{\mu}_{6}}{{(\sigma^2)}^3} - 15{\gamma}_{2} - 10{{\gamma}_{1}}^{2} - 15$, where σ2 is the variance of Y and μ6 = Eh[Y6]. Using r = 6 yields:

Then Ef[Za6] = μ6a and Eg[Zb6] = μ6b are given by:

Since Ef[Za′] = Eg[Zb′] = 0 and Ef[Za2] = Eg[Zb2] = 1, Eh[Y6] simplifies to:

Therefore, the standardized sixth cumulant of Y is:

Extension to more than two component distributions:

If the desired mixture distribution Y contains more than two component distributions, the expected values of Y are again expressed as sums of the expected values of the component distributions, with weights equal to the associated mixing parameters. For example, assume Y contains k component distributions Y1, ..., Yk with mixing parameters given by π1, ..., πk, where $\sum_{i=1}^{k} \pi_{i} = 1$. The component distributions are described by the following parameters: means μ1, ..., μk, variances σ12, ..., σk2, skews γ11′, ..., γ1k, skurtoses γ21′, ..., γ2k, fifth cumulants γ31′, ..., γ3k, and sixth cumulants γ41′, ..., γ4k. Then the rth expected value of Y can be expressed as:

Therefore, a method similar to that above can be used to derive the system of equations defining the mean, variance, skew, skurtosis, and standardized fifth and sixth cumulants of Y. These equations are used within the function calc_mixmoments to determine the values for a mixture variable. Some code has been modified from the SimMultiCorrData package (Fialkowski 2018).

Approximate Correlations for Continuous Mixture Variables:

Even though the correlations for the continuous mixture variables are set at the component level, we can approximate the resulting correlations for the mixture variables. The example from the Overall Workflow for Generation of Correlated Data vignette is used for demonstration.

Assume M1 and M2 are two continuous mixture variables. Let M1 have kM1 components with mixing probabilities α1, ..., αkM1. The standard deviations of the components are σM11, σM12, ..., σM1kM1. Let M2 have kM2 components with mixing probabilities β1, ..., βkM2. The standard deviations of the components are σM21, σM22, ..., σM2kM2.

Correlation between continuous mixture variables M1 and M2:

The correlation between the mixture variables M1 and M2 is given by:

Equation @ref(eq:System24a) requires the expected value of the product of M1 and M2. Since M1 and M2 may contain any desired number of components and these components may have any continuous distribution, there is no general way to determine this expected value. Therefore, it will be approximated by expressing M1 and M2 as sums of their component variables:


Using the general correlation equation, for 1 ≤ i ≤ kM1 and 1 ≤ j ≤ kM2:

so that we can rewrite Cor(M1, M2) as:

For this example:

L <- calc_theory("Logistic", c(0, 1))
C <- calc_theory("Chisq", 4)
B <- calc_theory("Beta", c(4, 1.5))
mix_pis <- list(c(0.4, 0.6), c(0.3, 0.2, 0.5))
mix_mus <- list(c(-2, 2), c(L[1], C[1], B[1]))
mix_sigmas <- list(c(1, 1), c(L[2], C[2], B[2]))
p_M11M21 <- p_M11M22 <- p_M11M23 <- 0.35
p_M12M21 <- p_M12M22 <- p_M12M23 <- 0.35
p_M1M2 <- matrix(c(p_M11M21, p_M11M22, p_M11M23, p_M12M21, p_M12M22, p_M12M23), 
  2, 3, byrow = TRUE)
rhoM1M2 <- rho_M1M2(mix_pis, mix_mus, mix_sigmas, p_M1M2)

The correlation between M1 and M2 is approximated as 0.0877342.

Correlation between continuous mixture variable M1 or M2 and other random variable Y:

Here Y can be an ordinal, a continuous non-mixture, or a regular or zero-inflated Poisson or Negative Binomial variable. The correlation between the mixture variable M1 and Y is given by:

Equation @ref(eq:System28a) requires the expected value of the product of M1 and Y. Since M1 may contain any desired number of components and these components may have any continuous distribution, there is no general way to determine this expected value. Therefore, it will again be approximated by expressing M1 as a sum of its component variables:


Using the general correlation equation, for 1 ≤ i ≤ kM1:

so that we can rewrite Cor(M1, Y) as:


For this example, Y can be O1, C1, C2, P1, or NB1. Let Y = C1. Then we have:

p_M11C1 <- p_M12C1 <- 0.35
p_M1C1 <- c(p_M11C1, p_M12C1)
rho_M1C1 <- rho_M1Y(mix_pis[[1]], mix_mus[[1]], mix_sigmas[[1]], p_M1C1)

The correlation between M1 and C1 is approximated as 0.1590909. Since O1, C2, P1, and NB1 have the same target pairwise correlations with M11 and M12 as C1, their correlations with M1 are also approximated as 0.1590909.


p_M21C1 <- p_M22C1 <- p_M23C1 <- 0.35
p_M2C1 <- c(p_M21C1, p_M22C1, p_M23C1)
rho_M2C1 <- rho_M1Y(mix_pis[[2]], mix_mus[[2]], mix_sigmas[[2]], p_M2C1)

The correlation between M2 and C1 is approximated as 0.1930151. Since O1, C2, P1, and NB1 have the same target pairwise correlations with M21, M22, and M23 as C1, their correlations with M2 are also approximated as 0.1930151.


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